Problem viewing for Ten Minute Tour

John Kim <johnkim.ubuntu at>
Wed Jul 24 22:48:11 EDT 2013

Hello Mallard users,

My name is John Kim, and I'm a contributor to the Ubuntu Documentation 
project.  Mallard is one tool I'm committed to learning because the 
Ubuntu help guide uses Mallard for formatting.

To get started, I tried out the's Ten Minute Tour, 
and I was getting the feel for it until I stumbled on the section "View 
Your Document."   So I saved my example as 
~/mallard_book/Ten_Minute_Tour/  But when I ran *yelp 
**~/mallard_book/Ten_Minute_Tour/* on the command line, I got 
the 'Page Not Found' error.

Page Not Found

The page '/' was not found in the document 

I did do a rename of the file to just 'index' for the command *yelp 
**~/mallard_book/Ten_Minute_Tour/index*, and though yelp would run, it 
doesn't show the header 'Beanstalk Help'

What could have I done wrong here, and how can I make yelp recognize my file?

Thank you,
John Kim

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