Source archive for ducktype on pypi?

Jack Hill <jackhill at>
Fri May 17 14:55:51 EDT 2019

On Sun, 12 May 2019, Shaun McCance wrote:

> I see a source package here:

Which file are you referring to? I see that 
mallard-ducktype-1.0.1.linux-x86_64.tar.gz is labeled as source, but 
appears to be a snapshot of the files that would be produced when 
installing Ducktype on x86_64 GNU/Linux.

The source I was expecting is more like the rst2ansi-0.1.5.tar.gz of 

The auto-generated tarballs on the release page of GitHub also have the 
correct format, but, alas, we can't use them as the source for Guix 
because GitHub may regenerate them with different timestamps which changes 
their checksum.

> Did I do something wrong? I'm happy to adjust the release process to
> make packagers' lives better.

At least for Guix, fetching sources from git is trivial, so it didn't 
cause me too much trouble. Ducktype was very pleasant to package, and I 
have submitted it for inclusion in Guix:

Hope that helps!