Referencing glossary entries

Phil Bull <philbull at>
Sat Jul 9 08:35:49 EDT 2011

Hi Shaun,

Looks good!

On Fri, 2011-07-08 at 10:51 -0400, Shaun McCance wrote:
> I've been working on a glossaries extension. See my recent blog
> post for more information:

> These are dynamic, the Mallard way. Any page can declare terms,
> and glossary pages collect terms from throughout the document.
> There's basic support for filtering and segmenting, so you can
> put only some entries in certain glossary pages or sections.

Part of me really likes that you can define glossary terms on any page.
This lets you keep definitions together with relevant material, so when
one is updated it's easy to update the other to reflect the changes.

That said, I wonder if having definitions scattered throughout a
document will actually make them more difficult to maintain, since you
have to hunt down which file a particular glossary item is defined in.
With pages, we've been giving the .page files the same name as the page
ID. I think this 1:1 correspondence between file and page entity has
worked to make documents easier to maintain. (Need to link to a given
page? Just find its name in the file browser.) Because glossary entries
are actually independent entities "piggybacking" on a page, and aren't
necessarily associate with the page itself, the naming structure becomes
more convoluted. There's also a possibility of breaking links when
mallard pages are swapped in and out.

Of course, there are ways of handling this - a short script can output a
list of glossary items and which files they are located in, and you can
define the glossary items on a special glossary page to avoid breaking
links. But it's not as elegant, in my opinion.

> Then there's the possibility of using explicit IDs.
> <gloss:term id="top_bar"><title>Top bar</title>...</gloss:term>
> <p>... on the <gloss:term idref="top_bar">top bar</gloss:term></p>
> This is more to type, but sometimes explicit is good. (We don't
> implicitly make IDs from section titles, for example.) A slight
> downside is that IDs in translated documents will still be in the
> source language. They aren't really exposed to users, except that
> you may see them as a fragment identifier in a URL. But that's no
> different than page and section IDs right now.
> So, is being explicit worth the required extra typing?

In this case, definitely! Using explicit IDs seems more flexible (in
terms of being able to use different wording to link to the same
glossary item), and it's much more robust. Requiring identical strings
to identify a glossary item is a recipe for inflicting confusing
"undefined id" errors on writers making subtle changes like adding an
apostrophe or pluralising a term. Spotting that <term>Mallard</term> and
<term>mallard</term> are different is difficult when the tags are
embedded in a paragraph. Relying on the <title> has similar issues, but
not quite as bad.

In general, I think the identifier of an element should look like an
identifier ("some-id-like-this") rather than text ("Some ID like this")
because then it's obvious what's going on.

