The links element

Shaun McCance <shaunm at>
Wed Aug 4 08:18:02 EDT 2010

On Tue, 2010-08-03 at 16:33 +0100, Phil Bull wrote:
> [Ex3]
> <section>
> <title>Whales</title>
>  <p>Baleen whales:</p>
>  <links group="baleen" />
>  <p>Toothed whales:</p>
>  <links group="toothed" />

The way I implemented them, links elements can contain title
elements. So you could write the above like this:

<links group="baleen">
  <title>Baleen whales</title>
<links group="toothed">
  <title>Toothed whales</title>

The really nice thing about this is that the titles won't
show if there are no links to be add. That makes the links
element a great way to provide a titled group for plugin
pages that doesn't look like a stub when there aren't any
